Butler Glossary of Terms
Listed below is a glossary of terms to help undergraduate students and families understand some of the basic terminology, resources, and vernacular that can be unique to universities or Butler University specifically. We hope this glossary acts as a useful tool. Please know that you can always reach out to ask for further clarity!
Glossary of Terms
Academic year – Begins in August with the fall semester, continues through the spring semester, and concludes with the summer session.
Advising – An educational process in which the student and advisor are partners in meeting established learning outcomes, working toward academic success, and outlining steps for achieving the student’s personal, academic, and career goals. Students with declared majors are advised by Butler faculty in their disciplinary area of concentration; Exploratory students meet with academic advisors in the Center of Academic Success and Exploration.
Alumni – Individuals who have attended or graduated from a particular college or university.
Butler Cultural Requirement (BCR) – Butler University has a rich set of cultural activities in the form of artistic performances, seminars and public lectures that collectively comprise one of our most remarkable educational resources. The aim of the Butler Cultural Requirement is to engage students in these most valuable and exciting learning opportunities, and to encourage students to develop habits of participation in artistic and cultural events that will lead to lifelong engagement with the creative arts and public intellectual life.
Canvas – A course management system that supports online learning and teaching. Butler courses will have a Canvas course where faculty can post syllabi, assignments, grades, and more for students to engage.
Career and Professional Success (CaPS) – CaPS provides advising and development resources, empowering students and alums to obtain their goals in a career, postgraduate studies, and service. Their assistance is free of charge, for all Butler students and graduates, for life.
Catalog – University’s official publication of academic policies and procedures, programs of study, and course offerings for a particular academic year. As of fall, 2023, Butler will be using an online course management system to host a dynamic catalog on the web, making the catalog more up-to-date, user friendly, and editable.
Center for Academic Success & Exploration (CASE) – CASE provides a welcoming, student-centered environment that challenges and advocates for all Butler students to reach their academic potential. The Center offers a variety of services, programs, and resources that can help students start on a path to academic success or get back on the path to success.
College – Group of academic departments and/or programs administered by a college dean. Butler University has seven colleges: Jordan College of the Arts (JCA), Lacy School of Business (LSB), College of Communication (CCOM), College of Education (COE), and College of Liberal Arts & Sciences (LAS). Founder’s College plans to launch Fall 2025.
Core Curriculum – A set of classes that establish the concepts and skills needed to meet the rigors of college and the challenges encountered outside it.
Credit hour – The unit used to measure course work. The number of semester credit hours assigned to a course reflects the outcomes expected, the mode of instruction, scheduled in-class time, additional formal meeting times, and the amount of outside preparatory work expected for the class. Butler requires a minimum of 12 credit hours to qualify as a full-time student. Every major and minor has a minimum of successful credit hours completed to demonstrate student achievement for graduation. Academic advisors can help guide students with specific credit hour requirements for their graduation plan.
Dean – The title for an administrator who leads a specific academic unit within a university. Butler has a dean for each of its six colleges along with a Dean of Library and Student Affairs Dean of Students.
Dean’s List – Published list of students who have achieved a specific level of achievement established by the university.
Declaring a major/minor – Indicates that student wishes to pursue a particular major and/or minor. Many majors have specific admission requirements.
Department – Division of a college dealing with a particular field of knowledge.
Exploratory Studies – A program aimed at helping undecided students identify interests, explore academic options, gain exposure to the career-development process, and gather information about majors and careers that interest them.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) – The FAFSA is the form one needs to fill out to get any financial aid from the federal government to help pay for college. Many states and colleges use the FAFSA to determine which students get financial aid and how much they’ll get. The FAFSA asks for information about student and family finances, including tax returns.
Fall Break – A two-day break from courses in the middle of the fall semester, often on a Thursday and Friday.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) – Enacted in 1974, FERPA protects the privacy of student education records. All educational institutions that receive federal funding must comply with FERPA.
Financial Aid – Financial aid is money received from an outside source to help pay for a higher education. It can cover costs like tuition and fees, books and supplies, room and board, transportation, and some living expenses. A variety of places, such as the government, school, or private businesses offer financial aid for college, and there are different types such as grants, scholarships, work-study, and loans.
First-generation student – A student whose parent(s) or legal guardian(s) have had a non-traditional educational background or not completed a bachelor’s degree and is the first in their family to attend a four-year college/university to attain a bachelor’s degree.
Grade Point Average (GPA) – Grade point average is regularly referred to as a student’s GPA. Butler University is on a 4.00 grading system. For ease of calculation, use the customized GPA Calculator to determine current or anticipated GPA. Please Note: These calculations should not be considered for official GPA at Butler University or any other institution.
Handshake – Butler University’s online job portal open to all Butler students and alums offered through CaPS Office. Schedule advising appointments, search job openings and look up job fairs on this resource, used by many of the top institutions in the state (and nationwide).
Indianapolis Community Requirement (ICR) – The ICR is a Core Curriculum requirement that involves students in a wide range of reciprocal community partnerships wherein they can integrate classroom knowledge with active experiences in the Indianapolis community. All Butler students must complete at least one ICR course before graduation.
Internship – Work at a business or agency related to a student’s major and/or career plans for which credit hours may be awarded.
Lecture Classes – The typical lecture class carries 3 semester hours and requires students to spend 3 hours per week in class with an additional six hours per week spent outside of class. The estimated total time of engagement would be 126 hours per semester. At Butler University, it is typical for the Semester Credit hours associated with a class to include both the required lecture and the laboratory class times.
Laboratory Classes – Laboratory classes associated with lecture classes (i.e., not stand-alone laboratory classes), are considered as in class engagement without the expectation of outside preparation or assignments.
Libraries – Butler University has a main library (Irwin Library) along with two branches: the Science Library in Levinson Family Hall and the Education Resource Library at South Campus. The Libraries not only house print collections but also provide lots of academic support including the University Archives, research help, access to databases & other e-resources, study rooms, soft seating, and more.
Major – Collection of courses and requirements that is designated as the student’s primary area of specialization. Appears on the student’s diploma and transcript. Students must work with their academic advisor to declare or make changes to this and understand credit requirements for successful completion. Official documents will be signed and submitted.
Minor – Collection of courses indicating additional specialization in an area of study beyond the major. Minors do not appear on the student’s diploma but are listed on the student’s transcript. Students must work with their academic advisor to declare or make changes to this and understand credit requirements for successful completion. Official documents will be signed and submitted.
Office Hours – Professors schedule time outside of class to meet with students. These are called office hours. Office hours are times when students can meet with their professors to discuss the material being presented in class or other related interests.
Prerequisite – Specific requirements that must be met prior to enrolling in a given class. Prerequisites may consist of courses, test scores, or enrollment in a specific program of study.
Registration Holds – Block which prohibits students from functions such as registering for courses or receiving a transcript or diploma. Most holds are due to not completing required processes or paying financial obligations.
Semester – Instructional period offered twice a year (referred to as Fall and Spring semester). Additional instructional periods include summer session term.
Service-learning – Service-learning offers an eye-opening way of viewing service, through personal interactions with the community and reflective class-based discussion.
Speaker’s Lab – The Butler University Speaker’s Lab employs highly trained student tutors to give one-on-one help with the creation and delivery of both individual and group speeches or presentations.
Spring Break – A week long break from courses in the middle of the spring semester, running from Monday to Friday.
Student Accounts – The student account is an account where a student’s educational fees are posted and billed. If a student receives financial aid, this is where the financial aid is credited. The student account also reflects payments made for campus fees.
Student Disability Services (SDS) – SDS is committed to accessibility. It is the policy and practice of Butler University to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Study Abroad – Program in which students can take courses and pursue educational opportunities in a country other than one’s own. Butler University has 200 affiliated universities in more than 55 different countries which cater to any major.
Syllabus – Document describing the objectives, outcomes, assessment activities, and structure of a course that is made available to students during the first week of classes. Sometimes described as a “contract” between a student and their faculty/instructor.
Thanksgiving Holiday – A break from courses over the Thanksgiving holiday, running from Monday to Friday.
Transcript – Serves as the student’s official academic record and the university’s official record of credit and degrees awarded, including the courses taken by a student and the grades received in each course. Probations, suspensions, and disciplinary expulsions also appear on the transcript.
Tuition – The amount of money that must be paid for classes. Other fees may be assessed in addition to tuition.
What-If Report – The “Quick What-if” tool allows students to see the effect that changing a major would make in progress towards satisfying different degree requirements. Students can find complete instructions on Ask.Butler.edu.
Winter Break – A break between the fall and spring semester with no courses running. Some campus offices may be closed during the last week of December.
Writers’ Studio – The Butler University Writers’ Studio offers free writing consultations at any stage of the writing process – from understanding an assignment to final draft. Undergraduate and graduate tutors will assist with writing assignments across the curriculum.
Butler University is comprised of seven Colleges. Within each College are a variety of Departments and Majors. The most recent College, Founders College, plans to launch in Fall of 2025.
College of Communication (CCOM) – CCOM students learn to think critically, to communicate clearly, and to solve complex problems. Supported through one-on-one relationships with faculty, graduates leave as skilled communicators, prepared for a career in an ever-changing field.
College of Education (COE) – COE students work side-by-side with faculty in a variety of field-based experiences as they begin to integrate theory into practice. These experiences, along with thought-provoking coursework, prepare students to lead in a way that is engaging and inspiring in a variety of educational settings.
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) – LAS students are immersed in not only the oldest teachings but also the latest learnings in culture and language, science and technology, psychology and philosophy. In all disciplines, research is incorporated, there is a focus on communication, ethics are emphasized. Our graduates are successful in every way they define the term.
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (COPHS) – Through hands-on learning in the classroom, collaborative research with faculty, and clinical experiences with some of the nation’s largest healthcare organizations, students are equipped with the knowledge, and skills to improve health outcomes.
Founder’s College at Butler University—Founder’s College at Butler University provides an affordable pathway for historically underserved students from the Indianapolis area who want to pursue education after high school. Students enrolled in the College can obtain their associate’s degree with little to no debt or out-of-pocket expenses, and most will have the opportunity to continue at Butler and earn a bachelor’s degree in an affordable manner.
Jordan College of the Arts (JCA) – Butler JCA faculty members and academic programs are nationally recognized, providing students with conservatory-level instruction as students follow a path of their own making. Double major, study abroad, participate in clubs, land an internship—the choices are those of each student, and the opportunities are endless.
Lacy School of Business (LSB) – In the Lacy School of Business, academic rigor is most effective when paired with lessons from the real world. Students will be immersed in actual business settings from their first days on campus. Students won’t just be prepared for success. By the time they graduate, they will have already achieved it.
There are several offices across campus that serve important purposes. The following are listed as a starting point.
Admission & Aid – Looking to apply to Butler University, connect with our Admissions office.
Butler University Police Department (BUPD) – BUPD ensures the safety of students, employees and visitors. BUPD offers educational and awareness programs on crime prevention and emergency response for staff and students.
Campus Impressions – Campus Impressions is a full service provider for all Print, Copy and Mailing needs.
The Compass Center– The Compass Center, located in the Blue House, is dedicated to supporting students, faculty, and staff in living a life of purpose, meaning, and contribution. Whether you are a person of faith, a dedicated questioner, someone who is hoping to use the college experience as an exploration of your own passions, or a combination of all three and more, you are welcome at The Compass Center.
Counseling and Consultation Services (CCS) – CCS is committed to providing mental health services to students in order to help them achieve their academic and personal goals, promote their holistic well-being, and enhance their college experience
Efroymson Diversity Center (the DC) – The Efroymson Diversity Center is a physical space within Atherton Union that consists of office spaces for identity-based student organizations, prayer & meditation, gender-inclusive restrooms, couches, study tables, and a conference room. Commonly referred to as “the DC” this office houses the Morton-Finney Diversity Scholars Program, Dawg Days, Diversity Program Council, and several other pillar programs.
Financial Aid & Scholarships – Every year, the Office of Financial Aid guides thousands of Butler students and families through the financial aid process. Everybody’s situation is unique, and our experienced staff can help you explore all financial aid options available to you.
Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL) – Fraternity and Sorority Life, the university program that oversees fraternities, sororities, and their activities. Occasionally referred to as “Greek Life.”
Health and Recreation Complex (HRC) – The Health and recreation complex serves as a wellness resource for the Butler and Indianapolis community.
Housing & Dining – Moving into your first place away from home is a liberating, exciting time. And at Butler, you’ll share the experience with new roommates and neighbors, all part of a campus community that make residence halls feel more like homes.
Information Technology (IT) – Butler’s IT department gives oversight to campus email, classroom technology, printing, and more. Their team can assist students, staff, and faculty to navigate a number of different tech issues.
Irwin Library – Irwin Library is located across the mall from both Atherton Union and Jordan Hall and boasts tall arches & windows. Irwin is the primary library on campus home to Information Commons, the University Archives, and two classrooms.
Office of Service and Community Engagement – This office seeks to connect Butler students with service and philanthropy opportunities in the Indianapolis community and beyond through their alternative breaks, Ambassadors of Change pre-orientation program, food pantry, and more.
Office of New Student and Family Programs – This office provides leadership to the new student orientation process, on-going new student programing, transition and retention education and engagement, communication with families, and ways for families to stay connected with their students and campus.
Office of Student Activities – This office strives to create a vibrant co-curricular atmosphere where students can engage in involvement opportunities that maximize their Butler experience and enhance their leadership skills.
Sexual Assault Response and Prevention (SARP) – The SARP Office is designed to support survivors of sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking, as well as help shape a campus culture free from interpersonal violence through prevention education, training, and direct service coordination. Any student who has been a victim of sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking may seek support from the Sexual Assault Response and Prevention Specialist.
Student Accounts – The Office of Student Accounts supports Butler University’s core mission by providing exemplary service as confident stewards of the University’s financial resources. Student Accounts publishes electronic billing statements, provides student account counseling, and processes departmental receipts among other services.
Atherton Union (A-Town) – Atherton Union is the focal point of many activities on campus. In addition to housing the cafeteria, A-Town also houses a Commuter Lounge, Food Pantry, Plum Market, Starbucks, Campus Store, Student Government Association, and Student Affairs offices.
ask.landaiztc.com – Web platform for students, staff, and faculty to troubleshoot a plethora of issues.
Block Party – An Orientation involvement fair attended by almost everyone on the mall where new students can meet new people and explore ways of becoming involved in student organizations on campus.
Broad Ripple Village – Broad Ripple is a lively neighborhood full of restaurants, coffee shops, and more. Located three miles north of campus, this is a go-to spot for many Butler students. The Monon Trail cuts through the neighborhood, The Vogue Theatre hosts concerts, and there’s always something sweet to eat at Insomnia Cookies or BRICS ice cream.
Bulldogs Involved in Service (BITS) – Bulldogs Involved in Service is a volunteer event occurring at the beginning of every school year. New students volunteer a day of their time to projects around the Indianapolis community
BU|BeWell – Butler provides many robust opportunities to develop, both inside and outside of the classroom, through each of the eight dimensions of BU|BeWell.
Butler Blue (live mascot) – Butler University has had a bulldog mascot since 1919. In the year 2000, the live mascot program was reinstated, and Butler Blue has been a staple of campus life. We currently have Butler Blue IV, who is much beloved.
Butler Bookstore – The Butler Bookstore is the location for textbook purchases, Butler apparel, backpacks, water bottles, school supplies, and more. The store is located in Atherton Union on the north end, adjacent to the Starbucks.
The Butler Bowl – The University’s multi purpose stadium and Sellick Bowl is located next to Hinkle Fieldhouse. The Bowl is home to the football and soccer teams.
The Butler Collegian – Butler University’s independent student news organization that consists of a student-produced weekly newspaper and a news website.
Butler ID – Butler University ID cards allow access to buildings, purchase of meals, use of copy machines, and much more. Butler ID cards should be kept on one’s person at all times and should never be given to anyone. If a Butler ID is lost, contact the Butler University Police Department at 317-940-9396 immediately.
Butler Today – A daily newsletter that updates students, faculty and staff on the latest butler news and events.
The Butler Way – Encompasses the way in which students, faculty and staff strive to live. It demands commitment, denies selfishness, accepts reality, yet seeks improvement everyday while putting others above self.
Butler Family Weekend – Events over a fall weekend celebrating Butler. Open to all current students and their family members able to visit campus on those dates.
The Canal – Cutting through the west side of Butler’s campus is a canal that runs from Broad Ripple down past Newfields Indianapolis Museum of Art. The Central Canal Connector Trail runs alongside the water and is a common route for students to jog or go for a leisurely walk.
Dawg Alert – In the event of a campus emergency, weather-related delay or closing, Butler University will activate the emergency notification tool, Dawg Alert. This system gives Butler administrators the ability to reach students, faculty, staff, affiliates and families on and off campus via text messages, voice and email alerts.
Dawg Ride – This on-demand safety transportation service allows students to safely traverse campus during the evening hours, especially when alone. Dawg Ride operates seven days a week from 7:00 PM to 3:00 AM, during the academic year when classes are in session. University Police will perform safety escorts outside the Dawg Ride hours or if the Dawg Ride is unavailable.
Dawg Pound – The official student spirit group of Butler University athletics. Dawg Pound members receive a t-shirt, deals to local businesses and access to the student section at games. Dawg Pound members receive priority access to student tickets prior to the rest of the student body, exclusive merchandise and game day giveaways, as well as deals to local businesses.
Diversity Program Council (DPC) – The DPC is composed of students and seeks to create a more inclusive and empathetic environment on Butler’s campus by adopting an intersectional approach as the foundation of their programming, and fostering a shared culture that promotes acceptance and understanding of all people by facilitating new and creative events and activities, hosting trainings, and taking on initiatives that are centered around their vision for a more inclusive and equitable future for all.
Engage – Engage is Butler’s web platform for students to be able to find student organizations, campus events, and track their involvement.
Federal work study (FWS) – The FWS program subsidizes the paychecks of college students who work qualifying part time jobs (on or off campus), allowing them to earn money to help pay education expenses.
Greek Row – West Hampton Drive is the street on which all Greek houses reside.
Health and Recreation Complex (HRC) – The Health and recreation complex serves as a wellness resource for the Butler and Indianapolis community.
Hink – The 8-foot costumed mascot of Butler University. The spirit leader first appeared more than 60 years ago and was renamed Hink in 2009 in honor of famed coach Paul D. Tony Hinkle.
Hinkle Fieldhouse – This historic sports arena on Butler’s campus was first constructed in 1928. Following renovations over the years, the current facility hosts home matches for Butler men’s basketball, women’s basketball and women’s volleyball. The venue is also used for a variety of other Butler events. The name was changed in 1966 to honor Butler’s legendary coach and former athletic director Paul D. Tony Hinkle who built the University’s athletic program over nearly half a century.
Holcomb Gardens – Gardens on the north central part of campus with walking paths, Persephone statue, Holcomb Pond, and Holcomb Memorial Carillon bell tower.
Holcomb Observatory & Planetarium – Holcomb Observatory and Planetarium has been serving Butler University students and Central Indiana for more than 60 years. It is located at the north end of the mall and can be visited during their normal regular public tours or groups can schedule group tours.
Homecoming – Fall celebration of Butler University. Alumni return to campus for activities including a home football game and tailgating. Current students are welcome to participate and enjoy events as well.
The Mall – The grassy area stretching from W. Hampton Ave up to Butler Way, surrounded by Jordan Hall, Atherton Union, ResCo, Irwin Library, and Dugan Hall.
Meet Me at the Bulldog – In reference to the stone bulldog located in front of Atherton Union, students and other campus community members will often use the statue as a rendezvous point.
my.landaiztc.com – Web-based system that provides access to personal student information, email, blackboard, online registration, and much more.
University Program Council (UPC) – The University Program Council implements programs on both Butler University’s campus as well as the greater Indianapolis area for students to enjoy, learn, and discover.
Recruitment – Formal process to apply to join a fraternity or sorority on campus. Registration is required. Explore Interfraternity Council Chapters here. Explore Panhellenic sororities here.
Student Government Association (SGA) – SGA represents the student body by supporting student organizations, addressing student concerns and provides engaging programs open to all on campus. Similar to the US government, SGA has executive, legislative, and judicial branches composed of students.
Student Orientation Coordinator (SOCs) – SOCs are student leaders who have previously served as a Student Orientation Guide and are now helping plan Orientation!
Student Orientation Guide (SOGs) – SOGs are student leaders who are selected to lead a group of incoming and transfer students throughout Orientation and their first year on campus.
Atherton Marketplace – An all you care to eat meal location, serving a variety of meals three times a day, seven days a week.
The Butler Brew – Coffee and pastry shop housed in Dugan Hall.
Dawg Bucks – Dawg Bucks is a declining balance account that is linked to your ID card and enables you to use your ID card to pay for on-campus meals/food. There also may be the opportunity to use Dawg bucks at local restaurant partnerships. Dawg bucks can be added to your account throughout the semester and rolls over from semester to semester.
Flex Dollars – Flex Dollars can be used in the Atherton Marketplace, Starbucks, Plum Market, Convenience Store, HRC, and ResCo. Students may dine, purchase items to go, or just grab a cup of coffee. Unspent Flex Dollars DO NOT rollover from Semester to Semester. Flex dollars are not refundable.
Plum Market – Grab-and-go market housed in the basement level of Atherton Union.
Midtown Provisions – Dining hall located in first-year housing residence hall, ResCo. Midtown Provisions serves a range of customizable favorites from build your own bowls and quesadillas to sandwiches and pizza. Guests are offered a wide array of toppings, giving them the ability to create their sandwich or burrito bowl just the way they want it. Midtown Provisions also boasts an assortment of quick snacks, Go! meals, and microwavable meals.
Resident dining plans – Required for Irvington, Fairview, and Residential College student residents; comes in three different plans.
Starbucks – A Starbucks coffeeshop is located on the first floor of Atherton Union, adjacent to the campus bookstore.
Trip’s Corner Market – Located in Apartment Village, the shop allows students to purchase basic snacks and food using cash, Flex Dollars, or Dawg Bucks.
Voluntary dining plans – Available for commuter students, faculty, and staff. Comes in three different plans.
Student Orientation Guide (SOG) – Student leaders for Orientation groups. These folks are exciting for new student arrivals and are a great resource for our new community members.
Student Orientation Coordinator (SOC) – Team of veteran Orientation leaders responsible for the oversight of Orientation.
Relaxation Station – Orientation Saturday event, located in the tent between Lilly & Dugan Hall, a space to grab a snack, grab a fidget toy, and generally rest.
Resource Fair – Orientation Saturday afternoon event in a large tent on Atherton Mall where loads of offices and local organizations are present to describe how they can support students.
Late Night – Events each night of Orientation with activities like black light bingo, a rave, lawn games, inflatables and more!
Convocation – Orientation Sunday morning ceremony that officially kicks off new students’ academic journey.
Let’s Go Dawgs! – Orientation Sunday evening event to get hyped with Butler spirit at Hinkle Fieldhouse!
Academic Day – Monday of Orientation, this day allows students to meet with their major and college for introductions and overview of their academic journey.
Playfair – Monday night of Orientation, this event has new students play icebreakers and games to make tons of connections.
Block Party – Tuesday of Orientation, this involvement fair provides a space for students to get connected with all the clubs and organizations on campus, held on Atherton Mall.
Academic advisor – A university employee who is committed to helping students meet their educational goals and to make informed and responsible decisions.
Board of Trustees – The Butler University Board of Trustees, comprised of alumni, community and corporate leaders, meets three times a year. The Trustees are charged with fiscal and strategic oversight and governance of Butler University.
Community Director (CD) – Professional staff member that provides vision and direction for a residential community of undergraduate on-campus population. Butler Residence Life has a Community Director over four residential areas—University Apartments, second-year housing in Fairview House, or first-year housing in Irvington House and Residential College.
Dean – Highest administrative officer of a college.
Dean of Students – The Dean of Students provides student support and oversees the experience of attending a university. The Butler Dean of Students oversees various offices including student conduct, residence life, sexual assault response and prevention, and more.
Department head – Administrative officer holding faculty rank; responsible for a primary unit within an academic organization.
Faculty In Residence (FIR) – FIRs are full-time Butler faculty members who live on campus within Residential College, Irvington House, or Fairview House. These faculty are individuals who are committed to the student learning experience that takes place outside of the classroom, plan and implement educational and social initiatives, and provide academic support and opportunities within and outside of the Residential areas.
First-year student – A first-year student is a student in their first year of higher education or at Butler University, formerly referred to as a “freshman.”
Graduate Assistant (GA) – These individuals are students in a graduate program who—in return for receiving tuition remission and/or a stipend—teach courses, perform research, or work in an administrative area.
Provost – The senior academic administrator at a college or university. This person provides supervision and oversight to the university’s curricular, instructional, and research activities.
Resident Assistant (RA) –RAs are Butler students who are available to help you while you are living in the residence hall. One RA lives on each unit. They plan programs and activities, assist in developing a respectful community, serve as a resource for your concerns, and enforce hall policies.
Registrar – A university officer who is in charge of registering students and keeping academic records.
Apartment Village (AV) – Student apartment residences located east of Hinkle Fieldhouse and the Sellick Bowl. As a junior or senior at Butler University, students are eligible to live in the University Apartments. Apartment Village apartments have four residents in each.
Butler Terrace – Student apartment residences located a few blocks east of Clowes Memorial Hall. As a junior or senior at Butler University, students are eligible to live in the University Apartments. Butler Terrace is entirely three resident apartments.
Commuter – Students who do not live in institution-owned housing and must travel to campus for their studies.
Community Director (CD) – Professional staff member that provides vision and direction for a residential community of undergraduate on-campus population. Butler Residence Life has a Community Director over four residential areas—University Apartments, second-year housing in Fairview House, or first-year housing in Irvington House and Residential College.
Faculty In Residence (FIR) – FIRs are full-time Butler faculty members who live on campus within Residential College, Irvington House, or Fairview House. These faculty are individuals who are committed to the student learning experience that takes place outside of the classroom, plan and implement educational and social initiatives, and provide academic support and opportunities within and outside of the Residential areas.
Fairview House – Home to primarily sophomore students, this 633-bed, state-of-the-art residence hall opened in 2016.
Irvington House (Irv) – Housing primarily first-year students, the newest state-of-the-art residence hall, which opened in fall 2018, features 647-bed, suite-style rooms.
Resident Assistant (RA) – RAs are Butler students who are available to help you while you are living in the residence hall. One RA lives in each unit. They plan programs and activities, assist in developing a respectful community, serve as a resource for your concerns, and enforce hall policies.
Residential College (ResCo) – Housing primarily first-year students, Residential College is a coeducational residence hall community. ResCo offers a wide range of experiences to its students, staff, and four full-time, live-in faculty members.
South Campus Apartments – Student apartment residences located in our South Campus section of campus. Sellick Bowl. As a junior or senior at Butler University, students are eligible to live in the University Apartments. South Campus Apartments (SCA) has a variety of different set-ups.
University Terrace – Former student apartment residence north of Holcomb Garden. The apartment complex currently houses staff, summer students, and others as needed.